The concept of government (khilafat) was started by HAZRAT UMER (R.A) at 634 A.D .At that time concepts of governing the state was clear but now it is complicated by the word POLITICS .According to the present conditions of PAKISTAN , INDIA , BANGLADESH , we might say that politics is a profession of earning unlimited . I am not blaming every politician ,there are some people who love their country justly work for their country keeping their seat as a politician . But majority of politician just keep public in dark room and enjoy their position and did Harlotry .
Now a days Pakistan & India politics is in great complexities . Politicians did alot of crimes like Corruption , Killing , and many other unexplainable crimes.They are doing this just to conceal / heal their crimes . And when time come for justice they give bribe to create complexities and to keep their cases under curtain .
And at the time of elections they sell their government to other political party in millions and billions .They are playing with decent people / public of their country .
And when the government is full of evilness they how we expect kindness from the people of our country because president ,prime ministers , ministers , governors are also from same country and same public .
Difference is just politicians have wealth and high status and people like us are middle class.
America and IZRAEEL playing with this world and buying politicians of different countries to win this world to win world war II .
I have unlimited words to explain the reality but in simple words politicians never say true words and never show reality because if they tell the truth their positions will be in danger .
and if this happens then how they earn money .