First of all let me clear that how i get to the reality of facebook?
Actually i was a member of a website ( . At this website people provide different type of works to other people . Similarly i wish to work for some pocket money . I met a person who was working under facebook he told me to create 3000 fake ids of facebook and in result he would pay me 8000 PKR . Definitely that was better offer for me to create my pocket money with just little work .
I started creating these ids . And the interesting thing is i create those ids on muslims , hindu and some english names . At the time of submitting ids to my provider i ask my provider where you will use these all ids . These ids are useless . First he hesitate to tell me because i was new worker . He ignore my question but time after time i gain his trust and believe .
And after 3 weeks i again questioned him the same question . Then he answered my and i was shocked to heard his answer . Answer was .
First the facebook was under Elliot Zuckerberg but after his marriage Central Intelligence Agency of America get 30 to 40% of security under his control . And they can see each and every information of anyone on facebook . These fake ids are used by CIA and they create Fracas among different nations .
For example : A CIA agent uses a fake hindu girl facebook ID and will start writing against religion this give rise religion spirit between people and they start killing in their country and create misunderstanding .
We knew that AMERICA is trying to take over whole world and that is why he is creating war like conditions between different countries . Why girls post their personal pictures why people updated their personal information of facebook . For example if today they close facebook what you will do . They will start using your information and they can do anything .
So don't get addict of anything which looks luxurious also try to get its deep reality .